19th September 2024

Search Thundridge Parish Council

Serving the people of Thundridge, High Cross & Wadesmill

Sports & Recreation Facilities

There are a number of sporting and recreation opportunities in the Parish of Thundridge and nearby in local towns Ware and Hertford.

For further information please reference the Community - Directory.

Outdoor Pursuits

There are a number of clubs offering outdoor sporting opportunities and details of which may be found under Community - Directory. These include:-


Contact information for local football clubs can be found in the Community - Directory


Contact information for local cricket clubs can be found in the Community - Directory


There is no bowls club in Thundridge Parish. The nearest bowls club is in Ware.


There is no tennis club in Thundridge Parish. The nearest tennis club is in Ware.

Indoor Pursuits

Contact information for local clubs including indoor pursuits can be found in the Community - Directory


Last updated: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:05