17th September 2024

Search Thundridge Parish Council

Serving the people of Thundridge, High Cross & Wadesmill

Allotment News

This year we have welcomed several new allotment holders to Parish Allotment Gardens. Everyone has been warmly welcomed by the existing community. Watching our new members transform jungles into working allotments producing the most bountiful produce has been very impressive and a delight. This despite it being one of the hottest and driest Summers on record.

Quite a few members are now following Charles Dowding "No dig" gardening method and others are sticking to the traditional 'Dig' method. Whichever method followed it is good to see people enjoying their allotments to the full while making new friends at the same time.

Thundridge Parish Council is especially delighted to welcome a charity organisation "Space for Neurodiversity" to the allotment community

'SPACE' are an award winning Hertfordshire based charity supporting families of children and young people who are on the Autistic Spectrum (ASD), have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or other neurodiverse conditions.

SPACE have just taken on a neglected plot. They have great plans to transform this plot into a sensory allotment for their families to enjoy.

Nicky Chaperlin from SPACE says 'We are so excited to be joining the allotment community . It's an ideal opportunity for our young people to enjoy fresh air and exercise whilst learning responsibility and patience. It's the most perfect place to uplift mood and reduce anxiety whilst exploring the sensory environment. A place where friendships can grow alongside the flowers and vegetables.

We plan to create a sensory space alongside growing all the traditional flowers, herbs and vegetables. We would welcome any kind donations of carpet offcuts, bath tubs, chicken wire and pallets, and off course expert tips

If you are interested in applying for an allotment, please note that there is a waiting list for allotments at this site. For information, and to be added to the waiting list please contact the Parish Clerk at 17 Park Lane, Puckeridge, SG11 1RL or emailed to clerk@thundridgeparishcouncil.org.uk

Happy Gardening!

Posted: Tue, 30 Aug 2022

Tags: News