19th September 2024

Search Thundridge Parish Council

Serving the people of Thundridge, High Cross & Wadesmill

The Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan has been approved

Thundridge Neighbourhood Planning Referendum

Election Results


Do you want East Hertfordshire District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Thundridge to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

Votes Recorded | Percentage

Number cast in favour of a Yes | 470 | 89%

Number cast in favour of a No | 56 | 11%

Rejected Ballot Papers

The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows: | Number of ballot papers

A) want of an official mark | 0

B) voting for more answers than required | 0

C) writing or mark by which voter could be identified | 0

D) being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty | 3

Total | 3

Electorate: 1238
Ballot Papers Issued: 529
Turnout: 43%

Many thanks to the many volunteers who gave their time over multiple years to achieve this result.

Posted: Thu, 13 May 2021

Tags: Neighbourhood Plan