19th September 2024

Search Thundridge Parish Council

Serving the people of Thundridge, High Cross & Wadesmill

Displaying 1 to 30 of 93

FINAL version of Neighbourhood Plan going to referendum on 6th May 2021.

Please note that all above material represent the development of the Neighbourhood Plan through its various stages including those submitted to EHDC for examination. The examination resulted in a number of changes and this version...

Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Report (final)

This document is the Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan as approved by EHDC following editing in response to the Examiners Report.

It is subject to referendum but this can not take place under the current Coronavirus pandemic situation. This document has significant legal weight in all planning decisions across...

Site Allocations Process Background Document (13OCT2019)

Replaces wrong version uploaded on 11/11/19

TPNDP Consultation Statement Final Web Part 3 A5 to A9

(High Res Web version)

TPNDP Consultation Statement Final Web Part 2 A1 to A4

(High Res web version)

TPNDP Consultation Statement Final Web Part 1

(High Res Web version)

TPNDP Consultation Statement Final Complete Print (high res pp1-100) Part 2 of 2.

TPNDP Consultation Statement Final Complete Print (high res pp101-end). This is Part 1 of 2.

High Cross CA 31Aug2018 revx

TNP Reg 15 SEA V7

Thu, 10 Oct 2019


Site Allocations Process Background Document (2)

Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan - Basic Conditions Final for Web

Thundridge NPSubmissionDoc_Revsworking3 (1) (3)

Submitted to EHDC under Regulation 15.

TPNDP Consultation Statement Final Complete Web Reduced File Size (12Mb)

TNP Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan meeting Agenda June 2019

2019.04.29 Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan agenda

Glebe Field Appeal Decision document

Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Pre-Submission public consultation

Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Pre-Submission public consultion response form

Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Pre-Submission public consultation response form

2019.02.19 Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Pre-Submission advice letter

Thundridge Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission version

Assessment of High Cross as a Conservation Area

This document was commissioned by TPC from BEAMS Ltd

NP July 2018 HOUSING - Site Assessment T19 T23

NP July 2018 HOUSING - Presentation Slides

NP July 2018 HOUSING - Draft Policies

NP July 2018 FACILITIES - Draft Policies

NP July 2018 FACILITIES - Assets of Community Value