19th September 2024

Search Thundridge Parish Council

Serving the people of Thundridge, High Cross & Wadesmill

Displaying 1 to 30 of 62

Perofrmance vs budget at 31st August 2024

Bank reconciliation

Draft unapproved Minutes, 23rd July 2024

Perfomance against budget, 30th June 2024

Bank reconciliation June 2024

Thu, 18 Jul 2024


Bank reconciliation 30th June 2024

Cashbook extract June 2024

Thu, 18 Jul 2024


Cashbook extract June 2024

Agenda Ordinary Parish Council Meeting 23rd July 2024

Performance against budget

Bank reconciliation May 2024

Cashbook extract

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting 21st May 2024

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, 21st May

Annual Meeting of the Parish Electrorate, 21st May 2024

Year-end performance vs budget 31st March 2023-24

Cashbook extract year-end 31st March 2024

Ordinary Parish Council meeting, April

Agenda for March Parish Council meeting

2023.11.28 Agenda November Ordinary Parish Council Meeting 28th November 2023

2023.09.26 Agenda September Parish Council Meeting 26th September 2023

2023.07.25 Agenda July Parish Council Meeting 25 July 2023

Agenda for Ordinary Parish Council Meeting, 23rd May 2023

Agenda Annual Electorate Meeting (this is not a parish council meeting)

Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting, 23rd May 2023

Draft unapproved Minutes 2022 Annual Parish Electorate meeting, May 26th 2022

Ordinary Parish Council meeting, April

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting No2 following Meeting No1 held at 7pm with press and public excluded.

Agenda for Meeting No1 21st March 2023. Due to the confidential nature of the business, press and public will be excluded.