17th September 2024

Search Thundridge Parish Council

Serving the people of Thundridge, High Cross & Wadesmill

Your Parish Councillors

Thundridge has two wards (Thundridge and High Cross) covering the village and the rural area. There are up to 8 members who are re-elected every 4 years. The next elections are due in May 2027.

East Herts. District Council

Thundridge & Standon

Cllr David Andrews
Tel: 01920 823836
email: David.Andrews@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Hertfordshire County Council

Ware North
Cllr David Andrews
County Hall
SG13 8DE
Tel: 01920 823836

Member of Parliament

North East Hertfordshire

Sir Oliver Heald QC MP
House of Commons

Web & Social media

Last updated: Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:33