19th September 2024

Search Thundridge Parish Council

Serving the people of Thundridge, High Cross & Wadesmill


The Ware Charities

Under a scheme approved by the Charity Commissioners, the Trustees of the Ware Charities are able to give financial assistance to persons in need, hardship or distress provided they live in the area administered by Ware Town Council or in the civic parishes of Thundridge and Wareside.

The Trustees are also able to give financial assistance to persons under the age of 25 who live in this area and are in education or preparing to enter a trade or profession - typically by paying fees, travel or maintenance expenses. The Trustees are also able to make grants so that sick people who live in the area can have periods of convalescence or receive services to assist their recovery where funds are not readily available from other sources.

From the above it will be clear that the Trustees of the Ware Charities have a wide remit and they consider all applications with great care and sympathy. Applications must be supported in writing by a headteacher, social worker, doctor, vicar or other professional and the Trustees usually ask for brief details of the applicant's income and savings. Grants are not paid to the individual but to the organisation providing the service requested.

If you think that you or someone you know would benefit by a grant from the Ware Charities - and qualifies by living in the area - then an application form can be obtained from the Honorary Treasurer of the Ware Charities by emailing warecharities@wareonline.co.uk

Last updated: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 09:37